Poster and Presentation Details


Make your poster 36 inches (91.44cm) tall by 48 inches (121.92 cm) wide. The above template can be used for a poster as a single slide in PowerPoint or Keynote.  These are modified versions originally taken from the SFU Educational Media resources

Your poster must be emailed as a pdf (with your name in the filename) to Dr. Dave Campbell by 4pm on Thursday September 10th. 


Predictions and code (and/or details about the model) used to run predictions should be emailed to Dr. Dave Campbell with the subject “Case Study Predictions“ as a csv or text file.  The filename should include your teamname.  The csv or text file should have columns for “user_id” and your predicted values for any or all of “return_player”, “engagement”, and “revenue”.

Your predictions must be emailed to Dr. Dave Campbell by 4pm on Friday September 11th.


Judges have a strict timeline for each poster.  Judges will listen to your presentation and take notes.  (See also one of the blank Judging Form.pdf.)  Judges may interrupt you to ask questions.  They may ask a different team member a question.  The whole team should be part of giving the poster presentation, even if people didn’t contribute equally or fully understand each piece of the work on the poster.  The poster is the only prop you are allowed to use to display and present your results.  Judging will take place from 3-5pm on Wednesday Sept 16.  

Judges include data scientists, statisticians, biostatisticians, mainly from industry.

Judging posters will take place on Wednesday Sept 16 3-5pm.  We will schedule a time that works with for you.  

You should expect to have at least one team member at your poster for the first hour of the gala (Sept 16 5-7:30pm) The gala will bring together department members, alumni, people from industry, etc… 


Poster Details