Curriculum Vitae for Rick Routledge This is a long page, so I've broken it down into sections:
Recent/current grad students and undergraduate research assistants: Seana Buchanan (started Fall 2001): Seana Buchanan 00-01
Res. Asst. Stat. Anal., Selective M. Sc. Student, SFU
Most Significant Publications: 1. Chiu, G.,
Lockhart, R., and Routledge, R. 2002. Bent-cable regression theory and
applications. (Submitted to Journal of the American Statistical Association
with requested revisions, Fall, 2002). 2. Buchanan, S.,
Farrell, A. P., Fraser, J., Gallaugher, P., Joy, R., and Routledge, R.
2002. Reducing gillnet mortality of incidentally caught coho salmon. North
American Journal of Fisheries Management, 22: 1270-1275. 3. Routledge,
R. D., and Irvine, J. R. 1999. Chance fluctuations and the survival of
small salmon stocks. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences,
56: 1512-1519. 4. Routledge,
R. D. 1997. P-values from randomization and F-tests. Computational Statistics
and Data Analysis, 24: 379-386. 5. Chiu, G., Lockhart,
R., and Routledge, R. 2002. Bent-cable asymptotics when the bend is missing.
Statistics and Probability Letters, 59: 9-16. Articles Published or Accepted in Refereed Scientific Journals 6. Farrell, A.P., Gallaugher, and Routledge, R.. 2002. Rapid recovery of exhausted adult coho salmon after commercial capture by troll fishing. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 59. Accepted, November, 2001. 7. Routledge, R. D. 2001. Mixed-stock vs. terminal fisheries: a bioeconomic model. Natural Resource Modelling 14: 523-540. 8. Farrell, A.P., Gallaugher, P.E., Fraser, J., Pike, D., Bowering, P., Hadwin, A.K.M., Parkhouse, W., and Routledge, R.. 2001. Successful recovery of the physiological status of coho salmon on board a commercial gillnet vessel by means of a newly designed revival box. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 58: 1932-1946. 9. Farrell, A.P., Gallaugher, P., Clarke, C., DeLury, N., Kreiberg, H., Parkhouse, W., and Routledge, R. 2000. Physiological status of coho salmon (Oncorhynchus kisutch) captured in commercial nonretention fisheries. Can. J. Fish. Aquat. Sci. 57: 1668-1678. 10. Routledge, R. D., Smith, G. E. J., Dawe, N. K., Nygren, E., and Sun, L. 1999. Estimating the size of a transient population. Biometrics, 55: 224-230. 11. Banneheka, S., Routledge, R. D., and Schwarz, C. J. 1997. Stratified two-sample tag-recovery census of closed populations. Biometrics, 53: 1212-1224. 12. Routledge, R. D., and Tsao, M. 1997. Quadrature methods for computing distributions. Computational Statistics and Data Analysis, 26: 149-161. 13. Routledge, R.
D., and Tsao, M. 1997. On the relationship between two asymptotic expansions
for the distribution of the sample mean and its applications. Annals of
Statistics, 25: 2200-2209. Articles Submitted To Refereed Scientific Journals 14. Remis, R. S., Leclerc, P., Routledge, R., Taylor, C., Bruneau, J., Beauchemin, J., Millson, P., Palmer, R., Degani, N., Strathdee, S., and Hogg, R. 2000. Estimating the number of injection drug users in Montreal, Toronto, and Vancouver, Canada. (Submitted August, 2002.) 15. Chiu, G., Lockhart, R., and Routledge, R. 2001. Asymptotic theory for bent-cable regression – the basic case. (Submitted to Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference with requested revisions, Summer, 2002). 16. Morton, A., Routledge,
R., Peet, C, and Ladwig, A. 2003. Sea lice infection rates on juvenile
chum and pink salmon in the nearshore marine environment in British Columbia,
spring 2002. Submitted to Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences,
Spring, 2003). 17. Jamieson, G. S., Jones, R., Martel, G., Schwarz, C. J., Taylor, C., and Routledge, R. 1998. Analysis of the 1994 Red Sea Urchin Survey Conducted in Haida Gwaii, Pacific Fishery Management Area 1, pp. 3-18 in Invertebrate Working Papers Reviewed by the Pacific Stock Assessment Review Committee (PSARC) in 1995. Part 2. Echinoderms. Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2215. Fisheries and Oceans Canada. 18. Jamieson, G. S., Sandoval, W., Schwarz, C. J., Taylor, C., and Routledge, R. 1998. Analysis of the 1994 Red Sea Urchin Surveys Conducted in Heiltsuk Traditional Territory, Pacific Fishery Management Area 7, Subareas 18 and 25, pp. 19-32 in Invertebrate Working Papers Reviewed by the Pacific Stock Assessment Review Committee (PSARC) in 1995. Part 2. Echinoderms (B. J. Waddell, G. E. Gillespie, and L. C. Walthers eds.). Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2215. Fisheries and Oceans Canada. 19. Jamieson, G. S., Scarf, G., Schwarz, C. J., Taylor, C., and Routledge, R. 1998. Analysis of the 1994 Red Sea Urchin Surveys Conducted in Aweena K’ola Traditional Territory, Subareas of Pacific Fishery Management Area 12, pp. 33-56 in Invertebrate Working Papers Reviewed by the Pacific Stock Assessment Review Committee (PSARC) in 1995. Part 2. Echinoderms (B. J. Waddell, G. E. Gillespie, and L. C. Walthers eds.). Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2215. Fisheries and Oceans Canada. 20. Jamieson, G. S., Cripps, K., Gijssen, M., Greba, L., Jones, R., Martel, G., Schwarz, C. J., Taylor, C., and Routledge, R. 1998. Reanalyses of the 1993 Red Sea Urchin Surveys Conducted in Haida, Heiltsuk, Kitasoo and Tsimshian Traditional Territory, pp. 57-68 in Invertebrate Working Papers Reviewed by the Pacific Stock Assessment Review Committee (PSARC) in 1995. Part 2. Echinoderms (B. J. Waddell, G. E. Gillespie, and L. C. Walthers eds.). Canadian Technical Report of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 2215. Fisheries and Oceans Canada. 21. Routledge, R. D. 2002. Six articles on probability to be published in The Encyclopaedia Britannica. 22. Routledge, R.
D. 1998. Fisher's exact test. The Encyclopedia of Biostatistics, Wiley,
NY. 23. Fraser, J. A., Angelo, M., Atkinson, M.-S., Chatwin, M., Glavin, T., LeBlond, P., Routledge, R. D., Ryan, D., and Walters, C. 2000. Pacific Fisheries Resource Conservation Council 1999-2000 Annual Report. 24. Fraser, J. A.,
Angelo, M., Atkinson, M.-S., Chatwin, M., Glavin, T., LeBlond, P., Routledge,
R. D., Ryan, D., and Walters, C. 1999. Pacific Fisheries Resource Conservation
Council 1998-1999 Annual Report. 25. Routledge, R., and Wilson, K. 1999. Fraser River Sockeye, pp. 135-154 in Pacific Fisheries Resource Conservation Council Background Papers. Paper No. 1999/1c. 26. Routledge, R., and Wilson, K. 1999. Coast-Wide Coho, pp. 155-180 in Pacific Fisheries Resource Conservation Council Background Papers. Paper No. 1999/1d. 27. Routledge, R.
1998. Measurements and Estimates, pp. 55-68 in Statistical Methods for
Adaptive Management Studies (V. Sit and B. Taylor, eds.). B. C. Ministry
of Forests. 28. Remis, R. S.,
Leclerc, P., Routledge, R., Taylor, C., Bruneau, J., Beauchemin, J., Millson,
P., Palmer, R., Degani, N., Strathdee, S., and Hogg, R. 1998. Consortium
to Characterize Injection Drug Users in Canada Final Report. 29. Routledge, R.
D. 1996. Lessons from the Pacific salmon controversy. Invited paper presented
at the North American Joint Statistical Meetings in Chicago, Illinois,
August 1996. 30. Chiu, G., Lockhart, R., and Routledge, R. 2001. Using the bent cable to assess an abrupt change in species abundance and other phenomena. Simon Fraser University Technical Report. (To be submitted shortly.) 31. Chiu, G., Lockhart, R., and Routledge, R. 2001. Asymptotic theory for bent-cable regression – the basic case. Simon Fraser University Technical Report. (To be submitted shortly.) 32. Routledge, R.
D. Fisher’s exact test: When can you do what comes naturally? Simon
Fraser University Technical Report. Publications Resulting from Graduate Supervision 33. Joy, R. 2002. Assessing infilling methods for missing data in spawning salmon estimates. M. Sc. project, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B. C. 34. Chiu, G. S. 2002.Bent-cable regression for assessing abruptness of change. Ph. D. thesis, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B. C. 35. Han, H. 1998. Measurement-error bias correction in spawner-recruitment relationships. M. Sc. project, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B. C. 36. Brownell, S. 1997. Analysis of competing risk survival data when some failure types are missing with application to a cohort of a transfusion-related HIV data. M. Sc. project, Department of Mathematics and Statistics, Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, B. C. |