David Alexander Campbell


As of fall 2019 I've moved to Carleton University


Carleton University

School of Mathematics and Statistics

Adjunct Professor

Simon Fraser University

Department of Statistics and Actuarial Science

Public Relations Officer, Statistical Society of Canada


LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/DrDaveCampbell

Suggested links:

As of fall 2019 I've moved to Carleton University

  1. BulletUndergraduate Case Study 2017

  1. Bullet Join the Data Science or Machine Learning Meetup Groups.  Visit our open Data Science reading group.

  1. BulletIn Spring 2016 I taught the graduate Statistical Computing course.

  1. BulletUndergraduate Case Study 2015

  1. BulletTalk for the SFU/UBC stat graduate student seminar: How to get a job when you graduate, spoiler alert: you should already be looking

  1. BulletMatlab code for solving ‘very hard’ Sudoku

  1. BulletR code for decoding Cryptograms

  1. BulletOverview on statistical methods for differential equation models video at BIRS in Banff (Nov 2013).

  1. BulletWorkshop on Statistical Methods for Dynamic System Models held in downtown Vancouver June 4-6 2009.

  1. BulletIn May 2009 I taught Stat 890: Statistics for Dynamic System Models. This course was open to graduate students majoring in Statistics and Applied Mathematics. Notes and code are online

  1. BulletMetropolis Hastings vs Parallel Tempering comparison:

  1. BulletTwo draws from a probabilistic differential equation solver:

© Dave Campbell 2007-2019